hey man why don't you do baldi's basics stuff anymore


from mid-february to mid-august of 2024 the CHEATING account was managed by something i call "N", or sometimes for clarity "CHEAT-N". i've heard they're responsible for some pretty cool discoveries in the baldi's basics community, contributing to the search for that secret message, that password arg thing, some theory lore stuff.

N is currently missing. they probably will be for a long while. i do not know anything about baldi's basics, please do not contact me with discoveries.

if you met CHEATING within this time period i probably won't recognize you. it isn't personal to you specifically. i just don't know you, and you don't know me.

those who knew N are free to message, but i can't promise i will get along with you the same way N did. i also probably won't be able to hold conversation if it's about something i know nothing about.

feel free to use any resource they put up for any purpose. if they had any archives that you want to continue maintaining, you're free to build off of what they had already.